RIMarkets Review » Is RI Markets A Scam Broker? Find Out Here !!

Is RIMarkets A Truly Trustworthy Broker? Read this detailed RI Markets before investing your funds with this crypto trading broker. Traders who have already worked with the Bitcoin Trader platform will already know that they have plenty of brokers to choose between. RIMarkets is currently one of the most popular broker services and has attracted plenty of praise for delivering consistent and reliable high-value returns.

Yet anyone who has undertaken suitable due diligence (we recommend you always do this) and researched RIMarkets cannot have failed to notice that there are several websites calling it out RI Markets as a scam. How can one broker split opinion so widely? We’ll be answering this and plenty of other questions during this comprehensive RIMarkets review – so read on to discover the truth.

What Is RIMarkets? RI Markets Review Overview

RI Markets PlatformRIMarkets was launched back in 2016 and offers a pretty outstanding variety of products that’ll easily match most trader’s demands. CDFs and Forex listings are absolutely comprehensive and exactly what you’d be looking for in any high-quality broker service. Yet in this RIMarkets review, we’re looking more specifically at cryptocurrencies, and once again these brokers excel. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, and plenty of others are available for trade – and at leverage rates that can potentially increase earnings by enormous amounts.

We’ll take the claims that you should expect to make thousands of dollars a day using RIMarkets with a hefty pinch of salt – they claim a baseline 82% success rate which is much more realistic! So while it is not likely you’ll suddenly make big money right away, for stable and sensible growth RIMarkets have a decent reputation and one that falls well without realistic boundaries. When used alongside powerful crypto trading software – in this case, Bitcoin Trader – those results can indeed improve even more. But probably not to the commonly cited 99.4% success rate. That’s creative math and not something that is remotely achievable – so be careful to check the credibility of any sources that reckon otherwise.

Does RIMarkets Have A Regulation?

RIMarkets Regulation We highly recommend that all new users (and perhaps some existing ones) research their broker not just to ensure that they are legit/credible but also have adopted a similar trading approach. Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere RIMarkets are not regulated by the FCA (UK) or ASIC (Australia) – and they make no effort to claim otherwise! What they do is ensure that all funds deposited with them are ringfenced according to anti-money laundering rules. The funds deposited with RIMarkets are strictly yours for trading with – and they cannot be appropriated for other purposes.

Peculiar as it may sound to those used to working with highly regulated brokers those are the same standard as applied across other financial services located in the Marshall Islands. We can verify that all funds are protected by world-class SSL encryption that matches Level 1 PCI compliance. You will be expected to verify your identity using RIMarkets in exactly the same manner as other local services. So while it is a little unorthodox, the fact that it is not regulated to UK/AUS levels is not necessarily much of a problem.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.

Is RIMarkets A Scam Or Totally Legit Broker?

Despite the opaque regulatory status (that actually makes sense to their location/base), there is little evidence that RIMarkets is a scam. You should be aware that compared to many other brokers this is a very high performing service that is well suited to cryptocurrency trading. That 1:500 leverage and the high quality spreads on offer simply blows the vast majority of the competition away. Combine it with multiple assets, markets, and currencies to deal across and RIMarkets is a great resource for spreading out your trading portfolio across multiple leverages. Remember that you can also set stop-losses to help protect your funds and withdraw proceeds at any time. These are hardly the characteristics you’d expect to find in a typical crypto trading scam!

So what do we make of those people who claim to have been scammed by using RIMarkets?

To the best of our understanding everyone who claims this has basically been either incredibly unlucky or not understood the nature of this platform in the first place. Simple as it might well sound, plenty of those negative RI Markets scam reviews are based upon sour grapes alone! It is essential to understand that while this is a kind of ‘automated’ trading robot you still need to have a basic knowledge of how trading works to be successful with RIMarkets platform.

The RI Markets website contains plenty of high-quality educational resources to help people new to this style of trading to be successful and use the Bitcoin Trader software effectively. It is not as simple as ‘click a button and make thousands of dollars’ and never even claims to be!

Providing you do your homework and trade cautiously, to begin with, there’s no reason why traders cannot be successful using RIMarkets alongside Bitcoin Trader. It is not a scam – simply not quite as easy to use successfully as some people may have wished for. Remember there is always an element of risk involved in trading and that you should anticipate and allow for losses as an unavoidable aspect of your trading endeavors.

Markets & Instruments Offered By RIMarkets

Moving back to the topic at hand, these brokers offer a really comprehensive range of products that are going to suit any general trader. Sure it does not offer more than 15 ‘exotic’ markets and is a little lacking compared to the professional trading applications – but then you aren’t paying tens of thousands of dollars every year for a license to use Bitcoin Trader or work with RIMarkets website.

You can trade plenty of cryptocurrencies against standard currency exchanges, meaning that the number of pairs on offer easily heads towards treble figures. Considering that the majority of traders only work with about a dozen at a time that should be plenty to choose between.

What you do get with this system is perhaps its overall best asset – the ability to trade extremely fast to capitalize on market trends as they happen. Milliseconds do actually matter in competitive cryptocurrency trading, especially if you are adopting a more conservative strategy of backing ‘safe’ trades to secure a steady income.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.

Trading Platforms: RIMarkets

RI Markets PlatformRemember when we said that this service assumes a degree of prior knowledge? That is simply because it uses very high-quality software that can dazzle and bemuse those completely new to trading. RIMarkets supports both Metatrader4 (MT4) and WebTrader. Most people will use MT4 alongside Bitcoin Trader as the configurations are already largely in place.

Forget any RIMarkets review that claims that the hard work is totally done for you – they are not being quite accurate or truthful. You should still take the time to follow the tutorials and advice articles posted on the RIMarkets website in order to understand how to properly configure and set your trading strategy and limits. It should not take much time to get to grips with the basics, and by taking an hour or two to learn these you’ll likely enjoy considerably better trading results.

In the right hands, the MT4 platform when used alongside these brokers and Bitcoin Trader can be a highly effective trading tool. Those who simply trust to fate will be exposing themselves to needless risk – so learn the ropes before you begin.

How To Open An Account With RIMarkets Through Bitcoin Trader

You could opt to skip using Bitcoin Trader entirely and simply work directly with RIMarkets – although in our experience you’re better off using the robot as those preconfigured settings do actually help more than most people give them credit. Remember that Bitcoin Trader is entirely free to the end-user (they make money from commissions via the broker) and signing up with RIMarkets is basically a little more straightforward this way anyhow. Just follow these simple steps to do so:

1) Register With The Bitcoin Trader Website.

Bitcoin Trader SignupYou’ll need to provide basic information here and this will need to be verified by email or in some cases by phone. Such verification is the industry standard and in place to help prevent money laundering and fraud. Expect to be verified pretty quickly as this part of the registration is entirely automated (in our experience).

2) Choose RIMarkets As Your Broker & Deposit

Bitcoin Trader DepositAt the time of writing RIMarkets are at the top of the broker list (they are the most popular) so simply select to work with them and make your initial deposit. We’d recommend new traders start with the $250 minimum and remember that these funds can be withdrawn at any time! Deposits are accepted via a variety of banks/credit providers alongside a handful of online wallets. Note that withdrawals can take 5-7 days although they are often quicker using wallets.

3) Try The Demo

It is worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with how the software works – ideally after having read the supporting documentation or at least having that open at the same time for simple reference. Be aware that this is not a ‘live demo’ and instead simply serves to showcase how it works and the more straightforward aspects. We’d like this to be made more comprehensive in the future but for the time being it is still well worth checking out.

4) Authorize Live Trading

RIMarkets will now take control of your trading using the Bitcoin Trader software. Once a trading session is completed you can then withdraw funds as you see fit. We’d suggest a 50/50 split between profits and reinvestment although that is entirely up to your own strategy and requirements.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.

Is RIMarkets & Bitcoin Trader The Best Cryptocurrency Trading Combination?

There are plenty of reasons to explain why so many people have successfully traded with this combination. The software works especially well with those RIMarkets leverages and it is certainly possible to generate substantial and impressive returns. Our four reasons why anyone should consider this combination would be:

1) RIMarkets may not be as regulated as others would have you believe but they have been operating successfully for a few years and have a loyal following. We wouldn’t base our decision entirely on reputation alone but they are well thought of in trading circles and do have a quality track record when used alongside Bitcoin Trader.

2) Decent profitability. We aren’t in the habit of speculating what you could earn using this combination – and those who do so are probably not very reliable or honest! What we will say is that an 82% baseline success rate is impressive and realistic, which can be boosted somewhere closer to 90% when used alongside the Bitcoin Trader software. Providing you configure your trading carefully you’ll stand a good chance of doing well by using this combination.

3) RIMarkets does offer some really useful support for new traders that is also frequently updated. Use this alongside second party market news sources and you’ll have a solid foundation of understanding that’ll be a major asset towards successful trading. The customer service is decent and you’ll receive a tailored response to any queries. Check out the various online forums for some user feedback and advice (just remember everyone’s competing!).

4) Easy withdrawals can be made at any time and without substantive restrictions. In accordance with money laundering regulations, your profits must be returned to the same method used to deposit funds. It can take about five business days to process which is reasonable when you factor in timezones. Remember that funds are ringfenced at all times – something which even highly regulated brokers aren’t always able to offer.

Overall, RIMarkets is a trustworthy broker who has a solid reputation for helping professionals and amateur traders successfully trade on the cryptocurrency markets. Providing your trading preferences match theirs (read those resources!) and you aren’t planning on betting your mortgage on gaining massive and immediate rewards then it is a decent platform that can provide ongoing success.


*Remember all trading risks and you shouldn’t risk more then you can afford to lose.


Is RIMarkets Broker A Legit Firm?

Yes. Understand that they are not as comprehensively regulated as some would claim - but that is not necessarily a downside in crypto trading. Plenty of people have had no problems with them and they have been around long enough now to be regarded as fully trustworthy. To put it simply - they are not going to run away with your money.

What is a Sensible First Deposit?

We suggest you stick to $250 for the first deposit. Despite this being a popular and well-regarded broker/software partnership, no combination is always going to universally match all users. Allow it a couple of trading sessions with that level of funds and see how you like it.

Can I Make Profits Trading with RIMarkets?

Cryptocurrency trading is best approached as part of a diverse portfolio. Profits can be enormous - and so can losses. With this combination offering somewhere between an 85-90% trading success rate, we'd recommend starting low and building as you gain experience and know-how.