Quantum System Review 2024: Is It Safe or a Scam Trading Platform?

The crypto markets took a dip in 2023, but 2024 has really pulled things back and forecasts are looking good for a host of digital currencies across the niche. As the potential to make a profit, whether you’re looking for a new hobby, a passive income, or the potential for lump-sum gains, getting involved with trading right now is looking like a viable choice. 

No matter your skill level or experience, maximizing your potential is going to be in your best interests, so you may want to work with a trading robot to enhance your efforts. With so many on the market right now and industry regulations still not being quite up to scratch, you’ll need to do your research to ensure that the one you choose is legit. We are looking up Quantum System right now to help you to make the right selection for your needs.

What is Quantum System and how does it work?

Quantum System

Quantum System was launched just last year and is another in a long line of crypto robots that are giving traders the opportunity to make the most of their trading online. The digital financial markets are volatile and diverse, not to mention more widely used now than ever before. As a result, enlisting AI to help scour them, use advanced algorithms and protocols to spot financially viable market moves, and execute the best trades faster and more frequently than human output is becoming more common. 

Quantum System in particular claims to connect users with nothing short of the leading trading software, and while the website itself doesn’t provide any information on its own capabilities and protocols, it does state compatibility with Web Trader, Meta Trader 4 (MT4), and a tailor-made web mobile approach that many websites simply don’t provide. This means that when using Quantum System, you will have access to some of the leading software on offer in the crypto trading niche.

Specially developed AI and machine learning protocols work to define high and low market shifts to be able to execute the most lucrative buy and sell orders that align with your parameters. When doing so, the software gains valuable insights and collects significant data that allows it to perform better and more intuitively every time it is triggered.

How to start trading with Quantum System

Quantum System Create an account

  1. The Quantum System website consists of a home page that features a quick signup form where you can add your name, email, address, and phone number. Some trading robots will typically connect you with an account broker at this stage that will introduce you to the platform and your next steps. We’re unsure if this is the case with QS, but it could very well be.
  2. Once the account with Quantum System is set up, it will be time to make an initial deposit ($250 is the industry standard for this). This should go through almost instantly and will unlock the Quantum System site, dashboard, and tools so you will be able to access demo trading, set your parameters and begin live trading.

Remember that demo trading can be in your best interests to ensure that you gain valuable insights into how the software performs and the trading strategies that will work best in accordance with your personal requirements.

Quantum System Overview

As one of the top draws to using a robot is the fact that it can automate tasks and reduce the level of input required when trading crypto markets manually, it can be extremely important to know what’s on offer before signing up. Before taking a more in-depth look at the features and services on offer (and our opinions on the site’s legitimacy), let’s take a quick look at what you can expect from Quantum System: 

  • Automated trading capabilities with leading software
  • Easily customisable settings for trading parameters
  • Access to various crypto coins, including Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Dash and EOS
  • Demo trading
  • $250 initial deposit
  • 24/7 customer support
  • 24-hour withdrawals
  • 80% win rate (or higher)
  • Integration with MT4 and Web Trader
  • A mobile app

Many of these are pretty standard for trading robots (aside from the mobile app), so it can be in your best interests to delve deeper into all of the features that you can expect when using Quantum System. The good news is that this is exactly what we are going to do right now.

An in-depth guide to Quantum System’s features

robot arm

 Market monitoring

As you would expect from a trading robot, Quantum System uses advanced algorithms to collect and correlate market data to connect users with the trades that have the most potential. It uses a blend of historical charting, trading statistics, technical signals, and in-depth market readings to generate automated projections. Trades themselves can then either be executed via the Quantum System platform or shared with other trading software (in this case MT4 and Web Trader).

 User interface

One of the claims made by Quantum System is that its website was designed with usability in mind. Users can expect a platform that is easy to navigate with a well-appointed dashboard and simple click-throughs and protocols for setting trading parameters and making deposits and withdrawals. It can be worthwhile to bear in mind that this hasn’t been verified and we are unable to disclose whether or not live trading signals are on offer. As far as we can tell, all of the website’s features and functions do not become accessible until after account creation and the initial deposit.

 Demo trading

If a crypto trading robot provides a demo trading account, this increases the chances of it being a legitimate platform. The good news is that Quantum System does seem to have demo trading capabilities, but there is a chance that these could come via its integration with third-party software. Demo trading will give users the ability to practice their efforts, try out trading strategies, and even get familiar with the robot they choose – and this can be worthwhile for new users just as much as it can for those who have more experience.


All trading robots typically feature the standard SSL certificates and encryption software that will be necessary to secure account funds and protect user data. Quantum System may have more than this in place to ensure safe trading, but none of this is apparent from cursory research.

 Customer support 

Users won’t be able to contact a customer support team at Quantum System unless they are signed up and have made their first deposit. Research suggests that registered users will have access to both email and live chat support if they run into any issues or have any inquiries regarding their trading activities. This could be a red flag for Quantum System, as you will want to ensure that you have access to a helpful, responsive representative that can help you to troubleshoot and solve any problems that you may run into.

 Additional Features

We wanted to mention that there may be a host of additional features on offer because Quantum System can be integrated with third-party providers. As these are often used by brokerages, there is the possibility that users will be able to use leveraged trading, but there is no information on the QS website itself about how this may function. 

The pros and cons of Quantum System

👍 Pros:

  • Hands-free trading
  • A demo trading account
  • Fast transactions deposits and withdrawals (usually within 24 hours)
  • Free sign-up with no trading fees
  • 24/7 access to crypto markets
  • Simple website navigation
  • Integration with leading trading software Meta Trader 4 and Web Trader for a more diverse trading experience
  • Mobile app with tailored web mobile capabilities
  • Access to a diverse range of cryptos 

👎 Cons:

  • Little information about how Quantum System functions or the features on offer
  • A newer platform that doesn’t have many reviews
  • No background on the site’s developers

Key information about Quantum System

  • Supported countries

While it is not confirmed, reviews around the web suggest that Quantum System is supported in numerous countries including the UK and Australia. As regulation is still a hot topic in the crypto trading niche, it can be worthwhile to check that your home country allows trading via QS, or at the very least, use a VPN.

  •  Payment methods 

All crypto trading robots accept payments via bank transfer, debit and credit cards, and e-wallets such as PayPal, so while we don’t have confirmation on the exact payment methods supported, this is generally understood.

  • A note about third-party integration

Web Trader and Meta Trader 4 have a host of capabilities, so integration with Quantum System could enhance your trading experience even further. These offer access to brokerages, as well as real-time market prices, interactive graphing and analytical functions, instant communication with experts, and even push notifications among other things so that traders never miss a thing.

Is Quantum System a scam or legit?

man and trading robot hands

The unfortunate news is that it’s still not an easy task to determine a trading robot’s legitimacy, as the market is still widely unregulated and those looking to take advantage are getting cleverer at hiding their scam nature. The good news is that there are quite a few things that you can do to try to determine whether or not a website is reputable. Of course, the top tool in your arsenal will be research, so be sure to look at the claims the website makes, and how much information is on offer – and not only from the platform itself but also from third-party reviews. 

Include testimonials from real users that can be found around the web; social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter can be a great resource to have at your disposal. The next thing you can do is exercise caution and never sign up for a website like Quantum System if you aren’t 100% confident in it. Lastly, if you feel like Quantum System has the features and functions you’re looking for, always start off small and try not to deposit funds that you can’t afford to lose. 

Our Overall Verdict on Quantum System

As more and more crypto robots are hiding their features behind the initial deposit paywall, it is becoming increasingly more difficult for review websites like ourselves to be able to provide a relevant, educated opinion on whether or not the platform you are interested in is not only legit but also if it will be capable of meeting your trading needs. From the information we have gathered, there certainly seem to be some good features that may make Quantum System a worthwhile choice. 

The claimed 80% win rate isn’t too high, and any software of this kind is likely to perform profitable trades at least some of the time. We also found that, aside from the little information around the web regarding Quantum System, there aren’t too many red flags to be considering before you sign-up.

As there are simply so many trading robots out there right now, it won’t be difficult to find a website that is transparent about its services, but at the same time, there are plenty of others that will look shady from the offset. All traders will have their own unique goals in mind, trading strategies in place, and even varying needs in terms of budget and time constraints, so it can be a good idea to think about exactly what you need from your trading robot before signing up.

Quantum System FAQ

Does Quantum System facilitate trades for new users?

The good news is yes, Quantum System claims to be easy to use for traders of all calibers and this includes those who have little to no experience in crypto trading or the use of robots to support that efforts. If you have no experience and are hoping to start trading with the collateral you have to hand, industry insiders always advise that you should make use of demo trading features before you use your real money. This can be good for more experience traders too however, as different trading robots will have different functions that may benefit from familiarity.

Is Quantum System run by professionals or endorsed by celebrities?

As the Quantum System website gives very little information away. This means that it is impossible for us to tell if the developers are experts or have any experience within the niche. In most cases, development teams combine the efforts of tech minds and crypto enthusiasts - and it is common to not disclose personal information about these individuals. Claims of celebrity endorsements are rife in the crypto niche, but they are often unfounded, even when tech industry names like Elon Musk and money moguls like Jeffery Bezos are thrown around.

Does Quantum System support leveraged trading?

As the website is very limited in information, it's difficult to tell whether leverage trading is a service that is provided by Quantum System, but its partnership with Meta Trader 4 and Web Trader suggest that this is a very real possibility. If you are looking for leverage trading to support your efforts, this will need an additional layer of research, as the risks posed can be significantly higher when using borrowed funds against your own margin to enter trades.